Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Perspective is very important when you are marketing your products or your services. Can you view things from your customer's point of view. I consulted for a Fortune 50 company that was developing a new product. The product was state-of-the-art, it would save time and money and the engineers who had put it together were brilliant. But, it wasn't selling. So, I met with the team and asked them about the people who would buy this product. They knew exactly who they would be selling to. Then I asked them about that person's greatest need. We realized that they never met the real needs of their client base with the marketing of this product. Once we were able to look from the clients' eyes - the product was successful.
I think personal perspective is even more important. In today's market we often are overwhelmed with concern about the future. We sometimes let those worries cloud our own perspective of what's really important.
My daughter sent me this blog that I would like to share with you - there's a video link that's an overview and then a blog. Take a few minutes looking at these today. I think they will change your perspective on the blessings you have in your life and what is really important.

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